[DUOEXSONO] A seamless wave reinforced with 4 layers begins! [출처] [DUOEXSONO] A seamless wave reinforced with 4 layers begins!|작성자 엄브렐라 ( News & Event )

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[DUOEXSONO] A seamless wave reinforced with 4 layers begins! [출처] [DUOEXSONO] A seamless wave reinforced with 4 layers begins!|작성자 엄브렐라

Umbrella 0 2023-08-22 16:00:56 801

Peeled Egg



What do these three words have in common?




That's what people want to express the perfect skin texture!

As smooth as a hard-boiled egg

Like a sponge full of moisture, always moist

Transparent and clean skin like a glass bead!

(Isn’t it like the skin celebrities usually have? Haha)





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전체 23건 (현재 1페이지)

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