[BellaSonic] Your beauty is completed if the cells from your skin are awoken ( News & Event )

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[BellaSonic] Your beauty is completed if the cells from your skin are awoken

Umbrella 0 2021-03-08 16:02:47 1,402

It will provide your skin with a different level of beauty.



Bellasonic is equipped with two modes of high-frequency ultrasonic waves “Bellasono” (3MHz, 10MHz)' and low-frequency ultrasonic waves “Bellapact” (40kHz)’ which are combined at the same time to treat the root cause of skin troubles through energy transfer from the skin surface to deep layers. At the same time, it creates synergistic effects such as collagen remodeling, hydration, and drug delivery.



Korean hospitals provide healthy skin treatments suitable for the patients’ skin condition through a program that combines laser and “Bellasonic” treatment. 


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전체 23건 (현재 1페이지)

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